Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summer...At Last....

So yeah I love Winter...but I also really hate being cold. So I'm very much excited for this wondrous warm weather.
So far I've only been home 2 weeks and I feel like I've packed in quite a bit of stuff:
1. Buying a new[er] car!
2. REAL Game
3. Working 40 hours.
4. Lots of movies.
5. Iron Man 2 (it was so awesome it got its own number on the list)
6. Helping Kait out with some photo shoots.
7. A Little Ceasar's run...with Jordan, Tys and Uli...."HEY! Is that PIZZA?"
8. Baseball games.
9. A mechanical crack addicted baby.
10. Sitting out in Kait's front yard.
11. A baby shower.
12. Being asked to join the Pinnacle Pirates Softball Crew.
13. Mother's Day Extravaganza.
14. Subway with the girls from work.
15. "Oh....that's how you work the sun roof....MY SUNROOF OPENS!!!"
16. And you know there's been so much more....
I'm loving if I could just get a tan!

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