Monday, January 18, 2010

ID Page

My name is Mikayla Rich and this is my JCOM 2010 ID page.

I'm technically a freshman, but I'm actually a sophomore as far as credits go!

I am an English Teaching Major with a minor in Journalism and Political Science. I kind of do everything.

My school email is and my cell phone number is 801-602-9394.

About me: Well I know you say to not include that I have blonde hair, but I do. I occasionally have purple streaks in it though which make it a little different. I am always on my iPod I love music. By looking at me you would never guess my favorite band, but it's Metallica. I love almost all music including classical but country and rap are where I draw the line. I can't handle the twanging or the crap rhymes. Anyways that's a little about me!
PS The picture is of me and my fish. The big one is Rafiki and the small ones are Mortimer, Lucinda, Fido, Reginald, Ludo, Garfunkle, and the only that lived longer than 3 days...Sputnik (he's still alive and it's been 2 years)

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